Understanding Men's Struggles With Dating, Breakups and Divorce
I had the pleasure to sit down with Express Yourself Black Man podcast and discuss all things men and dating. One of the things we talked...

How To Predict Divorce With 95% Accuracy The 6 Predictors of Divorce
How To Predict Divorce With 95% Accuracy The 6 Predictors of Divorce Divorce is an unfortunate reality that affects many couples, and...

What Makes Men Happy In Marriage? Heart 2 Heart With Dr. Tartt (Jack A. Daniels & Eric Bates)
What actually makes men happy in marriage? What do African-American husbands and fathers really want when it comes to marriage? I had a...

What Black Women Bring To The Table In Marriage
"What Black Women Bring To The Table In Marriage" I keep hearing young brothers asking sisters, “What they bring to the table” and I had...

How To Take Your Marriage To The Next Level
Are you in a good place with your partner to the point where it almost feels, well...boring? Or maybe you feel like you and your spouse...

5 Tips Alpha Male Husbands Need To Know To Be Successful in Marriage
You’re an uber-successful guy who’s killing it in the office. In fact, you might be the primary reason the office exists in the first...

Four Ways To Connect & Stay Connected With Your Spouse
The number one reason why relationships and marriages fail is not because of money problems or infidelity or arguing too much or conflict...

How To Tell If Your Partner Really Cares About You
How can you tell if your spouse/partner is really supporting you enough? In times of stress, especially a pandemic, we need our partners...

These Four Things Predictably Kill 90% Of Marriages...
It seems like each week, I here about another couple who is in trouble or calling it quits. I'm not talking about in my private practice...