Avoiding Valentine's Day Mistakes: Why Valentine's Day Is Good For Your Relationship or Marriage
Looking for a little Valentine's Day advice?
Look no further because I have some tips for using Valentine's Day to improve your sense of connection and emotional intimacy on Love Day. First, let me address the negativity that small percentage of the population has towards Valentine's Day. Here are some common reasons I hear for not celebrating Valentine's Day:
1) "You don't need a holiday to show your love to your partner. You should do that every day."
2) "You shouldn't celebrate a man-made holiday that is commercial and driven to make money."
3) "You shouldn't celebrate Valentine's Day because it is a pagan holiday."
4) "It's Covid, so we cannot celebrate this year."
One of the worst mistakes you can make is to buy in to this type of thinking, if you want a healthy relationship. However, let me very clearly state that many couples do not go over the top for Valentine's Day but do show special appreciation to their lover. I am not addressing these couples.
I am, however, addressing couples where there is one party who has an unnecessary negative attitude towards Valentine's Day while the other does not. Let's call them mismatch valentines lol. Let's take each reason and address it briefly.
Don't need a holiday
1) Do you really show your spouse (especially your wife or girlfriend) Valentine's Day type of attention multiple times during the year? Do you have enough stored in the romantic date category to skip honoring your spouse on Valentine's Day? I need you to be honest and check with your spouse or partner and make sure.
Man-made holiday
2) Do you really want to ignore a day to celebrate love because it is commercial? Shouldn't the focus be on making your partner feel special by setting aside time to honor him/her and your relationship or marriage? In fact, shouldn't you thank Valentine's Day for cueing you to celebrate the one you love since it enhances love?
Pagan holiday
3) I am a licensed minister, and I love Valentine's Day and God. When is God ever against love? When is God ever against a couple showing love towards one another?
Doesn't Proverbs 16:24 read: "Pleasant words (and acts) are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healthy for the body."
