Understanding Men's Struggles With Dating, Breakups and Divorce
I had the pleasure to sit down with Express Yourself Black Man podcast and discuss all things men and dating. One of the things we talked...

What God Says About Your Relationships When They Feel Stuck
Where Is God In Your Relationships? Today, I want to share with you a journey that's both deeply personal and universally relevant –...

What Does God Actually Want You To Do To Meet Your Future Spouse?
How God Guides You To Your Future Spouse: Practical Steps and Biblical Insights Are you searching for your future spouse and feeling a...

Are You A Discount Lover? How Being Too Nice In Relationships Lowers Your Value Like Used Clothes
My audience for this post is anyone who has a habit of being “too nice” in relationships. By experience, this group is usually reserved...

THE RING FORMULA: How Women Take Charge of Not Being Single Any Longer!
Ladies, Get Your RING Fingers Ready! (Excerpt From Dr. Tartt's The Ring Formula) “Completing a test is always easier when you have the...

It's Official! Women Who Get Off The Couch Get More Dates!
Weekly, I find myself giving dating advice to my friends- many of whom are women by the nature of my work. However, December was a record...