Doing Single Parenting BETTER: How Single Moms Raise Boys Into Exceptional Men:
Proven Psychological Strategies For Improving Self-Discipline, Grades & Character
This is one of the most requested and workshops needed across the country! Let's face it, raising boys as a single mom is unfair and can be extremely challenging! However, Dr. Tartt is here to make the process easier as he provides proven strategies for improving self-discipline, respect of authority, academic grades, communication and character. This is a must attend workshop for any single mom who wants to save her son and give him the best structure and foundation for success! Moms, be prepared, the research clearly shows that "Happy moms raise happy sons." So, Dr. Tartt will focus on your personal self-development, happiness and relationships during this keynote and/or workshop as well. The goal is for you to take care of yourself and your son/s while pursuing a great relationship all at the same time. In reality, when mom is happy everyone is happy so take care of yourself so that you can better take care of your son/s. Everyone wins! Want more info on single moms raising boys? Click here Single Moms Raising Boys.
Doing School BETTER: Getting Students Excited About Education & Living Their Dreams
Career Day, Honors & Graduation Speaker
For over sixteen years, Dr. Tartt has successfully motivated students on honor roll and with extensive issues (behavioral problems, mental illness, low test scores, special education, etc.) to get their education. Dr. Tartt's approach is unique as he engages students in an active dialogue that helps them to see the importance of education in pursuing their dreams and avoiding the drop-out-of-school to prison pipeline. Dr. Tartt uses every ounce of his clinical skills to get students to think backwards from adult career to present. This technique immediately raise self-awareness of self-destructive choices (not attending tutorial, fighting, using drugs, not doing work, failing grades, etc.) that kill future success and often ensure a life of poverty. Dr. Tartt raises awareness then encourages and motivates students to "Get thier education" to live a life worth living. Great for a general body or specific group of problematic children.