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"Leading Psychologist on Faith, Mental Health & Relationships"

Mental Health Awareness and Scripture

Mental health has been a dominant theme throughout the Bible. I was called into ministry after sixteen years as a psychologist because I did not see enough merging of mental and ministry. I did my research and ran across one of the pioneers, Rev. Talitha Arnold, who has been involved in mental health ministry for 30 years! This video convicted me to expand the outreach and focus my attention on serving the mental health needs of churches across the world. "Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. (Matthew 7:7). 


Addressing Mental Health Stigma & Treatment in the Church
Sermon, Keynote & Training

When we study the Bible, there are numerous references to mental illness, depression, etc. throughout the Bible. In fact, a recent Google search cross referenced 89 scriptures that mention and/or allude to depression in the Bible. Jeremiah, Jonah, Moses, Peter, Judas, etc. all discussed bouts with anger, sandness, depression and even suicide. According to the latest statistics from NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Health), one in five adults will deal with a mental illness in a given year. Approximately 16 million people will specicially struggle with depression. Why is that churches don't speak on this topic more? My answer, they need more mental health professionals with heart for God to be able to effectively minister on mental health. Dr. Tartt has prepared a series of sermons that focus directly on helping people find examples of depression in the Bible while providing inspirational and practical solutions for overcoming depression and suicide. Dr. Tartt's goal in to decrease the stigma of mental illness within the church and influence more churches and their members to create and/or utilize counseling resources both inside and outside of the local church. 

How To Effectively Set Limits, Love and Discipline Strong-Willed Children God's Way
Sermon, Keynote, Interactive Workshop 


"Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not dpepart from it" (Proverbs 22:6). In the modern age of parenting which includes such challenges of mental illness (ADHD, bipolar disorder, oppositional defiant disorder, etc.), life stressors (work demands, divorce, parental conflict, bullying, etc.) and unlimited access to social media (YouTube, Netflix, social messaging, etc.), training up a child can be more difficult than ever. Dr. Tartt shows parents how to raise well disciplined children, strengthen family connections, improve communication, get both parents on the same page (especially blended families) and correct problematic parenting practices to shape positive versus negative behavior. This workshop can be given to general church audience, family ministry and especially single moms ministries. 

Proven Solutions for Igniting, Improving & Repairing Marriages
Sermon, Church Conference, Marriage Retreat Keynote & Workshop Ready 


When you got married did anyone hand you a marriage manual on how to make it work? If you're like most of us, the answer is a resounding, "No". Dr. Tartt uses this speech and break-out workshop to teach couples how to to build, repair and ignite their marriage in reaction to the normal conflicts, seasons and challenges of marriage (blended families, children, money issues, second marriage, etc.). Dr. Tartt teaches couples psychological interventions to improve communication, resolve conflict, and emotional intimacy and bases each intervention off of biblical scripture. The best part of this presentation is that it is INTERACTIVE and requires couples to practice the skills taught during the lecture or in a subsequent break out session (meeting planner's choice of course). Dr. Tartt is highly adaptable and can provide marital enrichment in the form of a sermon, church conference keynote and/or break out facilitator, question and answer, and is frequently booked on marriage retreats! 

Dr Tartt (MANDATE- Men & Health)
Dr Tartt Speaking on Marriage
Brushy Creek Church audience

Book Me:

Dr. Alduan Tartt

Office (404) 377-4757


160 Clairemont Ave., Ste. 200

Decatur, GA 30030


Dating Course- The Ring Formula

Marriage Course- Better Husband Better Wife

Child/Family- Raising Healthy Families

Mental Health Courses

Biblical Reference Guide For Marriage ($49)

The Ring Formula (Book)




160 Clairemont Ave. Ste. 200, Decatur, GA 30030

Tel: 404-377-4757

* It is also better to call versus email if you want to talk with someone live about therapy, a speaking request or media interview.*​


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